Breaking News: DPR Director Hunter To Ban Dogs from Francis Field
Issues Letter with Plans for New Fences, Locks, and "No Dog" Signs
Posted: June 14, 2021.
In response to complaints by Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2A, DPR Director Delano Hunter has issued a letter to "Francis Field Stakeholders" stating in part:
"Dog usage poses the most significant risk to the condition of the field. Despite enforcement efforts, we recognize that entrenched patterns of behavior adversely impact the surface."
His letter states that signs have been posted. If so, it may be that they have been removed. An example is shown at right.
Director Hunter's letter of June 11, 2021, can be read in full in PDF format on this website.
Friends of Francis Field (FFF) has not responded to Hunter's letter, and is seeking comment from its Board of Directors and membership before it does so. FFF has a partnership agreement with DPR. It has both opposed and agreed with DPR positions since 2008.
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Joel Causey, who currently represents the Francis Field area, responded to Hunter in an email message stating: "These all sound like great solutions and we look forward to seeing if each can become a reality."
Commissioner Causey also stated that Hunter's letter will be discussed at the ANC-2A meeting scheduled for Wednesday evening June 16. See the ANC's website for details: